Millions of Americans will settle in the watch the “Big Game” this weekend. This year, the average cost for a :30 television commercial spot is $4.4 million.
Sure, there have been memorable commercials over the years. Who doesn’t tear up with puppies and Clydesdales? Who doesn’t love a good Terry Tate Office Linebacker? And don’t forget the memorable Old Spice commercials.
But how can you, as a business without a massive advertising budget make an impact and take advantage of the game hype?
That’s right. Many big and small brands have taken to Twitter for their advertising efforts. This organic effort will require quick, real time thinking and creative responses to game-time events.
There’s going to be a lot of noise and chatter anyway during the game, but quick reflexes and witty responses to the game’s unexpected surprises can help you monumentally increase traffic and product views and you don’t need to be a large organization to capitalize on it.
Oreo took advantage of the 2013 game blackout by immediately tweeting this:
Cheerios took advantage of the New England Patriots surprising last second victory in 2015 with this tweet:
These memorable (FREE) tweets were wildly successful.
Look at the stats:
Oreo – 15,315 retweets and 5,470 favorites
Cheerios – 883 retweets and 831 favorites.
If you have a social media guru who you trust with your brand and your image, you may want to give them carte blanche to tweet during the game and hope there’s that one unforgettable moment that gets your company some much needed traction and attention.
Contributed by Wendy Sanacore, Agency Ingram Micro field marketing manager, IBM Software.